PhD Student Christoffer Berge interview
Uncategorised Posted on Tue, November 08, 2022 13:13:25- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=62
Popular science article on NRK following our latest publication.
Uncategorised Posted on Tue, November 08, 2022 13:06:57- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=58
Comics for Science Communication
Uncategorised Posted on Wed, May 11, 2022 11:55:31Because the lab had an ERC starting grant, we were eligible to have a comic made about our research by a professional artist, in this case Matteo Farinella, well-known for his comic books about the brain. It is called The Overexciting Brain Zoo.

- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=54
New cutting-edge microscopes installed.
Uncategorised Posted on Sat, April 23, 2022 23:48:22This is the Diesel2P mesoscope. Did you ever see such an enormous objective? This is the 3D-shot enabling 3D scanless holographic optogenetics.
Can’t wait to get it covered by mouse poop.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=41
Recent work featured in Dagens Medisin
Uncategorised Posted on Sat, March 12, 2022 20:38:29- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=38
Recent paper on the front-page of VG
Uncategorised Posted on Tue, September 08, 2020 22:06:14https://www.vg.no/forbruker/teknologi/i/EWdrVl/soevnmysteriet (behind pay wall)

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Retrosplenial cortex symposium on the next Spring Hippocampal Research Conference in Taormina.
News Posted on Fri, December 14, 2018 22:18:13We are organising a symposium on the next Spring Hippocampal Research Conference on the functions of the subiculum and retrosplenial cortex. There will be the following speakers:
June 2-4 Koen Vervaeke (University of Oslo, Norway) Chair
“The other hippocampal output: navigating from the hippocampus to the retrosplenial cortex via the subiculum”
1) Mark Cembrowski (Janelia Research Campus, USA) “Cell-type-specific rules of a subiculum-dependent memory”
2) Andrew Alexander (Boston University, USA) “Egocentric coding in the retrosplenial cortex”
3) Dora Angelaki (Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA) “Allocentric versus egocentric perspectives in retrosplenial cortex”
4) Koen Vervaeke (Oslo University, Norway) “Analysis of self-motion representations in the mouse retrosplenial cortex using two-photon microscopy”
5) Mark Harnett (MIT, McGovern Institute, USA) “Integrating navigational variables in retrosplenial cortex”
6) Debora Ledergerber (NTNU, Trondheim, Norway) “Multiplexed activity in subiculum during a spatial working memory task”
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=4
Toppforsk project with Hu Lab accepted to work on Martinotti cells
News Posted on Sat, January 20, 2018 10:53:18 A toppforsk project that the Hu Lab and our lab applied for together, got accepted. We will study the role of Marinotti cells in the cortex. This consortium aims to reveal to properties of these cells both in-vitro and in-vivo.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=5
NEW: PhD and Postdoc positions available in the lab
News Posted on Wed, January 17, 2018 12:43:26PhD positions link
Postdoc positions link
Please apply asap so we can invite you to visit the lab and discuss projects.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=6
Two new FRIPRO grants in the lab
News Posted on Sun, December 03, 2017 00:32:11We are delighted that the Norwegian Research Council continues to support our research with a FRIPRO grant to KV and a FRIPRO Young Research Talents grant to Anna Chambers.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=7
Oslo-Scope 2.0
News Posted on Mon, September 18, 2017 14:31:15Our newly designed two-photon microscope with a tilting detection head is ready. It is entirely build from Thorlabs parts, and has more than 1×1 meter of free space under the objective:
Detail of the tilting detection path:
Our first design, Oslo-Scope 1.0, with the behaviour setup under the objective.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=8
Review is out!
News Posted on Thu, August 10, 2017 11:33:37 Our review ‘Dendritic integration in Cortical Inhibitory Neurons’ is out as part of a special issue on barrel cortex. You find it here:
Although we still need to submit the proofs…
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=9
Paper accepted in Nature Communications
News Posted on Fri, April 07, 2017 19:29:00A collaboration with the lab of Linda Bergersen is bearing fruits. Soon out!
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We finished building the ‘Oslo-Scope’, a new custom in-vivo two-photon microscope
News Posted on Tue, April 04, 2017 22:29:55 See the building process here :https://youtu.be/tnVWGNcqTAM
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=11
One PhD and one Postdoc position now available in the Vervaeke lab
News Posted on Sat, January 28, 2017 21:45:50 Two new positions to work on an exciting ERC project will soon be announced. The official announcement will come out on Nature jobs.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=12
Anna Chambers got a prestigious EU Marie Curie grant
News Posted on Fri, January 27, 2017 16:37:41Congratulations to Anna Chambers for getting an EU Marie Curie grant with a whopping score of 97.5!
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=13
Article accepted in Cerebral Cortex
News Posted on Sat, November 05, 2016 23:46:51A collaboration with the lab of Erlend Nagelhus has resulted in a nice paper in Cerebral cortex. First adventures in the blood flow and astrocyte world!
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Will this be the next cover of Neuron….
News Posted on Tue, April 26, 2016 08:22:41
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=15
Article accepted in Neuron!
News Posted on Sat, March 05, 2016 15:48:21Today we got the great news, hopefully it will be published soon!
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Scientia Fellow postdoc positions announced
News Posted on Sun, February 21, 2016 15:57:07The Scientia Fellow positions have finally been announced. This is an EU sponsored postdoc position in my lab.
For more details, see: http://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/jobs/571843-postdoctoral-fellowships-in-health-sciences-45-positions
Take contact for further details.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=17
Unique postdoc opportunities
News Posted on Fri, January 15, 2016 21:45:50‘Opening ERC teams to the world’. Funding for short-term visits up to 12 months that can possibly be extended.
Foreign researchers can now apply in their home countries to visit our lab for up to 12 months. Details differ between countries but usually salary and travel expenses can be covered. Countries included so far are: USA, Korea, Argentine, Japan, China, South Africa and Mexico, and the list is growing.
Further details can be found here.
This may be an excellent opportunity to get to know the lab. We may extend your stay by another 1-2 years so a full postdoc period can be spent. You should check with your national research council about deadlines and application details. Please take contact well before the deadline. Note: It is essential that postdoc candidates have excellent publications in top-tier journals in the field of neuroscience.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=18
Article accepted in Glia
News Posted on Tue, January 12, 2016 13:19:56Rinholm JE, Vervaeke K, Tadross M, Tkachuk AN, Brown TA, Bergersen LH and Clayton DA. Movement and structure of mitochondria in oligodendrocytes and their myelin sheaths. Glia, In press
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News Posted on Sat, October 17, 2015 16:03:10Medical students from the University of Oslo that are interested in doing a year of research that can possible be extended to an MD-PhD degree should seek contact about possible projects.
For more information: https://www.med.uio.no/forskning/forskerlinjen/
Research projects will be posted soon on the forskerlinjen project repository.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=20
Scientia Fellows
News Posted on Sat, October 17, 2015 15:42:46 The next call for Scientia Fellows is coming up and we’re looking for interested postdoc candidates: http://www.med.uio.no/english/research/scientia-fellows/
Postdocs from outside Norway that are interested to do research in Norway should take contact to discuss possible projects.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=21
2 PhD positions and 1 postdoc position officially announced
News Posted on Sat, June 27, 2015 10:16:45Follow these links and note that the University of Oslo requires that you apply via the University job portal, not by email.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=22
Scientific advisory board in place
News Posted on Wed, June 17, 2015 19:59:21Now that activity will ramp up, a strategic and scientific advisory board is put in place, offering valuable advice while the lab is developing.
Jan Bjaalie, Head of the Institute for Basic Medical Sciences in Oslo.
Kjetil Tasken, Director of the Biotechnology centre in Oslo and the NCMM:
Sonja Hofer, Professor at the Biozentrum in Basel:
Tom Mrsic-Flogel, Professor at the Biozentrum in Basel:
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=23
Moving to the Oslo Medical School
News Posted on Wed, June 17, 2015 14:27:40 I accepted an Associate Professor position at the Medical School at the University of Oslo. The lab is moving to exciting new premises with fantastic infrastructure; Including a SpectraPhysics DS Insight+ and Chameleon Compact OPO pulsed laser that will allow us to use longer wavelengths and look deeper into the brain than ever before. If that’s not enough we now have access to the Zeiss Axio-scan, a fantastic tool for mapping the circuits of the brain.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=24
Post doctoral position to study glial cells during behavior.
News Posted on Wed, May 13, 2015 23:46:10The position is officially announced and applicants should apply via this link:
- Comments(1) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=25
ERC startup grant success
News Posted on Mon, March 30, 2015 22:50:40Koen got awarded an ERC startup grant. This is the first ERC startup grant ever in life sciences in Oslo. Covered by the Dean, and Universitas.no (In Norwegian).
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=26
Part of a new consortium: CINPLA
News Posted on Mon, March 30, 2015 22:48:481 January 2015:
The lab is now officially part of CINPLA. This is a new consortium in Oslo aiming to link experimental and computational neuroscience and bringing together neuroscience, computational physics and nano electronics labs.
‘Centre for Integrative Neuroplasticity (CINPLA) is a platform for an integrated experimental, computational, and theoretical approach to address neural plasticity at multiple levels. Our scientific goal is to identify and characterize molecular, cellular, and network contributions to plasticity, and to develop computational and theoretical tools to understand these processes on multiple scales. We will achieve this by integrating experimental biology and computational modelling through collaborative PhD projects that promote interdisciplinary interactions. Further, we will develop a creative and inspiring consortium which aims to deliver groundbreaking research and develop an interdisciplinary and high-quality educational program in Neuroscience. CINPLA is a strategic research initiative at the MN Faculty at UiO’.
- Comments(0) https://news.vervaeke-lab.org/?p=27